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Why Press Printing Is Better Than Your Office Printer

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Whether you print monthly newsletters or forms that you use daily, you may decide that it's a better idea to pursue press printing. In fact, many people find that press printing is a better option than using the office printer. Here's why.

Press Printing Gives Your Documents a Professional Look

There's no denying that documents printed on a press look more professional than those printed on an office printer. This is because press printing uses high-quality ink and paper, resulting in a printed product that looks polished and refined.

If you want your documents to look their best, press printing is the way to go. Even if you only print documents for in-office use, your employees will appreciate the professional appearance of press-printed documents.

Press Printing Is More Durable

Documents printed on a press are also more durable than those printed on an office printer. The high-quality paper is less likely to tear or crumple, and the inks used in press printing are more resistant to fading.

This means that your documents will last longer when you print them on a press. If you need to store printed materials for a long period of time, press printing is the best way to ensure that your documents will still look great when you need them.

Press Printing Is More Versatile

When you print on a press, you have more printing options than you do with an office printer. For example, you can print on both sides of the paper, create custom sizes, and even print on different types of paper.

This is a lot more difficult to do with the printer you might have in your office. As a result, you may be limited in the types of documents you can print if you don't use a press. For example, you'll struggle to create a colorful brochure or print pages from an e-book.

Press Printing Is Faster

If you need to print a large number of documents quickly, press printing is the way to go. Office printers simply can't handle the volume that press printers can. As a result, you'll have to wait longer for your documents if you try to print them on an office printer.

Press Printing Is Widely Available

Are you uncertain how to find high-quality printing? Fortunately, press printing is widely available. There are many online and offline print shops that offer press printing services for your office to put to use.

For more information about press printing, contact a local company, like Wally's Printing.
