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Folded IRC's Can Boost Your Web-Based Business

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When it comes to an online-based business, some owners assume that their marketing strategies must also be digitally based. However, you can market to your customers in any way you want — you don't have to limit yourself. One great alternative to a traditional email blast or social media post is a folded IRC.

Full Circle Contact

Many people have more than one email account. There is one account they use for important and professional matters, and another they use for personal matters, such as coupons and sale updates from the places they shop. Not everyone checks their personal account every day. Sending an occasional IRC in the mail lets you hit every angle when it comes to communication. So, even if the customer doesn't check their email, you are still able to make contact through the mail.

Spreading the Word

Customers are more limited when it comes to who they can share information with when it comes to email communications and social media, in that they can only share with people who they are connected to. However, with a folded IRC, they can share with anyone. Whether it's a parent from their child's sports practice, a neighbor, or a coworker, a folded IRC presents an opportunity for the customer to share details about your company that they might not have had otherwise. 

Customer Appreciation

People want to feel appreciated and they want to feel like their loyalty is going somewhere, even when it comes to shopping. For instance, some people will shop with certain companies exclusively if they know that their loyalty means access to more sales or other savings. When you send a folded IRC in the mail, the customer knows that you recognize their loyalty to their brand, that you appreciate it, and that you want to give them something to show your gratefulness. 

Future Sales

A company might be more inclined to gain more future sales with folded IRC's. Email blasts and social media posts are great in the moment. However, as more emails come in and more posts are made, it's easy for information to get lost. A folded IRC is something that the customer can clip onto the refrigerator or keep in another important place like a desk or wallet to keep the information fresh on their mind. 

A printing company can design and print a folded IRC that looks professional and provides you with all the benefits mentioned above. If you're ready to take your marketing and advertising strategies to the next level, a printing company can help.

For more information, contact a company that offers folded IRCs.
